
Sep 11, 2009

Blue Mahseer

Superclass :Gnathostomata
Class :Actinopterygii
Division :Teleostei
Subdivision :Euteleostei
Superorder :Ostariophysi
Order :Cypriniformes
Family :Cyprinidae
Subfamily :Cyprininae
Tribe :Cyprinini
Subtribe :Tores
Genus :Tor Gray
Scientific name :Tor Neilli (Day)
English name :Blue mahseer
Kannada name :Bili meenu, Ellu
Distinguishing charecters :D - 13 (4/9), P - 15 (1/14), V - 10, A - 8 (1/7), C - 19, L.L. - 24-26, - 4 ½ / 4
Size attains :550 mm
Distribution :Krishna, Cauvery and West-flowing river drainages.

Description :Dorsal and abdominal profiles about equally convex. Inter-orbital space nearly flat. Snout conical with the upper jaw slightly the longer. Lower labial fold continuous. The rostral pair of barbels reach the front edge of the eye, the maxillary pair equal 1 ½ diameter of the orbit. Silvery above the lateral line with a tinge of yellow below it. Fins with a bluish tinge in some specimens, reddish in others. The young have a dark spot at the base of the caudal fin. Eyes golden.


Unknown said...

Terimakasih infonya. Menjadi penngetahuan lebih saat memancing. Jangan lupa kunjungi kami juga ya

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