
Sep 25, 2009

Tor khudree, Deccan mahseer

Tor khudree (Sykes, 1839)
Family: Cyprinidae
Order: Cypriniformes
MAX Size: > 100 cm
IGFA World Record: None

Matt Clarke looks at the Deccan mahseer, Tor khudree, a giant barb that can reach a metre in length and weigh as much as a small person.

Description :Body elongate, its depth equal to length of head. Eyes small, visible from underside of head. Mouth moderate; lips fleshy, the lower lip produced into a median lobe of varying length. Barbels - two equal pairs, slightly shorter than eye diameter in adults, equal to it in juveniles. Pectoral fins short. Scales large. Lateral sides of snout covered with a patch of small indistinct tubercles. Silvery background with the back and sides above the lateral line dark-bluish, flanks below the lateral line pale golden-yellow; the belly bluish-gray; head dark olive above and creamy yellowish-white below; bases of scales gray with their margins reddish-gray; eyes red. Fins bluish-gray, often tipped with yellowish pink.


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